Spiritual transformation

How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart day after day?
How long will my enemy exalt himself and triumph over me? – Psalm 13:1-2

Lament is different from self-pity or depression. It is inviting people into our own brokenness. It’s a grieving that there is a stark gap in this world between what is and what ought to be. Christian lament is able to seek the rest we have in Jesus even as we engage passionately in what’s broken and wrong in the world around us. It’s scary, though, because true lament puts us in a position of weakness, totally dependent on God to act. When God meets us in the darkness and despair, by His Spirit, that is where transformation happens. – Redemption Hill Church

Our desire must be to have His presence remain and abide. When His presence and His power come, they are worth everything. His presence is like having Jesus right there with us, just like a husband or a wife. When the Lord reveals His face and shows Himself, it is like when the Holy Spirit decided to reveal Himself and came on the day of Pentecost: the disciples were there together, and suddenly the sound of a mighty rushing wind came from heaven. – Elijah List

The Holy Spirit is helping us to pray when we don‘t know how to pray. When we feel crushed down by life, the Holy Spirit is taking over in our life and praying.

As a believer, regardless of the extent of our spiritual maturity, it’s possible to reach a point so low we actually feel that everyone—even God—has abandoned us. – Discover the Word Ministries

“What is your only comfort in life and in death? That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ” (Heidelberg Catechism). The scriptural truth in these words is enough to put everything in perspective, to be with me through my dying breath. We are not our own. We act like we are, but we are not. In life and death, we have one promise to trust: that we belong to the God who has united us to Himself in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, and we find our life in Him. The Banner

A. W. Thorold writes, “The highest pinnacle of the spiritual life is not happy joy in unbroken sunshine, but absolute and undoubting trust in the love of God.”
